Afișul evenimentului



International Colloquium
Important Sites from the Pre-Roman and RomanTime on the Lower Danube Valley (4th century BC - 4th century AD),
Galați, 10th-12th  of May 2007


Thursday, 10th of May 2007

- 9.00-12.00, Welcome and registration of the participants

- 12.00-14.00, Lunch

Official opening ceremony of the International Colloquium


15.00-16.00 - Speakers: Official persons, organisers and participants

  1. Eugen Durbacă, President of the Galați County Council
  2. Dr. Ștefan Stanciu, Manager of Galați History County Museum
  3. Prof. Ionel Cândea, Manager of Brăila Museum
  4. Prof. Ion Niculiță, Rep. of Moldavia
  5. Varbin Varbanov, Bulgaria
  6. Dr. Tatyana Samoilova, Ukraine
  7. Dr. Gordana Karoviæ, Serbia
  8. Prof. Ion Ioniță, Romania
  9. Dr. Valeriu Sîrbu, President of the 30th Commission of I.U.P.P.S.

16,00-17,00- Opening of exhibition : "Dacian and Roman sites of Bărboși -
                                             170 years of research"
17.00-19.00,  Session

Chairperson:  Prof. Ion Niculiță

- Valeriu Sîrbu, Costin Croitoru (Romania) - The Dacian and Roman sites of
Bărboși -170 years of research

Silviu Sanie (Romania) - Place and role of the image in the life of the inhabitants of Transdanubian limes of Moesia Inferior (Old and new discoveries)

-  Sergey Oxotnikov (Ukraine) - The island LEUKE (Zmeinyi, ©erpilor) in Black


- Evghenya Redina, Tatyana Samoilova (Ukraine) - Political situation in the area
 between the Dniester and Danube in the 3rd- 2nd cc BC.

- Mihai Irimia, Niculae Conovici, Anca Ganciu (Roumanie) - Le site gétique de
Satu Nou, comm. d'Oltina, départ. de Constantza, le point "Vadu Vacilor". Observations préliminaires.

 - Discussions

- 19.30, Dinner


FRIDAY, 11th of May 2006.

- 7.00-8,30, Breakfast

9.00-13.00,  Session

Chairperson:  Prof. Alexandru Barnea


- George Trohani (Roumanie) - Autour de la fin des établissements getes de la


- Ion Niculiță (Rép. de Moldavie), Valeriu Sîrbu (Roumanie), Vladimir

Vanchugov    (Ukraine) - Le Budgeac aux Ier-IVeme s. ap. J.-C..


- Alexandru Barnea (Roumanie) - Dinogetia :  établissement gete, romain et
byzantin au Bas Danube

- Gavrilă Simion (Roumanie) - Le rapport entre les tombes de la nécropole
 tumulaire romaine et la société de la cité Noviodunum du IIeme s. ap. J.-C.

- Ovidiu Țentea (Romania) - Remarks on military instalations and cemetery
from  the Roman territorium inside the Traian - Tulucești vallum

- Zizi Covacef (Romania) - The role of Capidava on the Lower Danube limes

- Discussions


- 14.00,  Lunch


                                          15.30-19,30, Session
Chairperson: Prof. Ion Ioniță

- Ion Ioniță (Roumanie) - Le Bas-Danube depuis La Tene jusqu'a l'époque des
Grandes Migrations (Ve siecle av. J.-C. - Ve siecle ap. J.-C.). Considérations préliminaires géographiques et historiques

-  Costel Chiriac (Romania) - Carsium. The Roman fort and the necropolis
(1st-4th c. AD)

- Florin Topoleanu (Romania) - Halmyris- centre économique et commercial au

 Bas Danube


- Mihail Zahariade (Romania) - The Tomb of the martyrs Epicteus and Astion
in  Halmyris

- Octavian Bounegru (Roumanie) - Les bureaux du district douanier sur le Bas
Danube a l'époque romaine: données épigraphiques

- Marius Alexianu  (Roumanie) - Le topos du Danube dans les écrits grecs et

- Costin Croitoru (Romania) - Some fortuitous funerary discoveries at Barboși,
Galați County

- Discussions

- 19.30, Dinner
SATURDAY, 12th of May 2006.

-7.00-8.00,  Breakfast
9.00-12.00,  Session


 Chairperson: Dr. Gordana Karoviæ

- Varbin Varbanov, D. Dragoev (Bulgaria) - Archaeological Excavations within
the territory of the Roman Fort Sexaginta Prista in Russe(a preliminary report)
- Nikola Rusev (Bulgaria) - The fortress "Kovachevsko kale" of Popovo,
Targoviste region

- Gordana Karoviæ (Serbia) - Trajan's Bridge over the Danube . Up to date
results of underwater archaeological investigations

- Ion Stângă (Roumanie) - Au sujet des nécropoles et de l'évolution
administrative territoriale de Drobeta

- Paul Damian, Cristina Bâltâc (Romania) - The civil Roman settlement at

- Crișan Mușețeanu, Dan Elefterescu (Roumanie) - Les ateliers de lampes de

12.00-12,30 - Official closing ceremony of the International Colloquium


- 13.00-14.00, Lunch

-14.00, Departure of the participants